Embedding the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Personnel Preparation Standards in Your Program

Higher Education Faculty Series: April 30, 2015

Overview of the DEC and CEC personnel preparation standards
Alignment between DEC/CEC and NAEYC personnel preparation standards
Examples of blending and embedding standards in ECE coursework
Examples of embedding stand-alone standards in ECE coursework

Lynette Chandler recently retired as a professor in the Department of Special and Early Education at Northern Illinois University where she taught courses in early childhood special education. Her areas of interest and research are Response to Intervention, early literacy, positive behavior support, inclusion, and working with families. She is a past-president of the national Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and a member of a DEC workgroup that is aligning the DEC/CEC and NAEYC personnel preparation standards. While in Illinois, Lynette worked with several preschool programs serving children with and without special needs and served on several state committees related to early childhood.