Creating a Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Dual Language Learners

Participants will:

  • Introduce collaborative principles for participants to practice in their school-based teams with their colleagues
  • Demonstrate and practice the solution-seeking process for multi-perspective teams considering DLLs performance from both an DLL perspective as well as special education perspective
  • Review of current research and resources to support participants in maximizing the use of students' home languages (even in multilingual settings) in instruction, intervention and assessment
  • Interactively practice crafting interventions for DLLs
  • Demonstrate use of the solution-seeking process as a diagnostic tool, incorporated into a culturally and linguistically responsive MTSS approach and to develop, implement and document instruction and interventions to present at case studies
Assistant Principals
Home Visitors
Parent Educators/Family Specialists
Speech/Language Pathologists
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals
DIV = Diverse Learners
Levels of learning

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