Math is Everywhere


Children begin using their mathematical brain at a young age. We can foster learning by expanding their play with simple math.


Tools and Materials

None Needed

Steps to take

Steps detailed below

At Home

If you have a few minutes

  • Use simple mathematical words in play with your child. "You added 2 blocks to the tower, now how many blocks to we have?" Pause, give your child a moment to answer and then help them count to check their thinking . This can be done with almost any toy (this is an activity that can done with any number of toys, trucks, action figures, or other favorite small toys).
  • When you are serving breakfast, pour two bowls of cereal and ask your child, "Which bowl has more/less?" "Would you like the bowl with more or less?"
  • In the kitchen, involve children in the cooking process. Simply adding ingredients is a mathematical experience. "This recipe says we need a cup of flour, the measuring cup says one cup." Have your child begin to fill the measuring cup. Say, "Is the cup full or do we need more/less flour?"

On the Go

If you have a few minutes   

  • Try to use those math words when you are out and about as much as possible. Remember to always take the opportunities when they arise to solve simple mathematical problems.
  • When you eat out, cut your child's burger (or similar food) in half and say to your child "I just cut your burger in half." Cut one of the halves in half again to equal two quarters, ask your child, "Would you like a half or a quarter of your sandwich?"
  • In the produce section at the grocery store say to your  child, "We want 2 pounds of grapes." Have your child place the grapes on the grocery scale and look at where the needle falls. "Do we need more or less grapes?" Have your child add and take away items as necessary.

Words to Know

add    take-away    subtract    minus    equals more and less fewer    how many

Possible Observations

Uses comparison words; compares number groups; answers how many; names number groups